

Public adjusting is a crucial process for individuals and businesses to recover from property damage, losses, and other unfortunate events. In this process, a public adjuster works with clients to negotiate a fair settlement from their insurance company. However, the traditional fee structure for public adjusting can be quite costly, with adjusters taking a percentage of the settlement amount. In this white paper, we will explore the benefits of a disruptive subscription model where clients pay a membership fee and a low success fee to Community Adjuster.

The Traditional Public Adjusting Fee Structure

The traditional fee structure for public adjusting can be quite expensive, with adjusters taking a percentage of the final settlement amount. This can range from 10-30% of the settlement amount, which can add up to significant costs for clients. Additionally, some public adjusters may also charge hourly rates or flat fees, further increasing the cost of their services.

The Benefits of a Disruptive Subscription Model

A disruptive subscription model for public adjusting offers several benefits over traditional fee structures. Firstly, clients pay a membership fee upfront, which covers the cost of the adjuster’s services. This fee is typically lower than the percentage-based fee of traditional models, making it more accessible for clients.

Secondly, clients pay a low success fee, which is a percentage of the settlement amount. This fee is typically much lower than the percentage-based fee of traditional models, which means that clients keep more of their settlement money. This low success fee also incentivizes adjusters to work harder to negotiate a fair settlement for their clients, as their income is tied to the success of the negotiation.

Thirdly, the subscription model provides clients with ongoing support from their public adjuster, which can be valuable in complex or lengthy cases. Clients can rely on their adjuster for guidance, advice, and updates throughout the entire claims process. This ongoing support can help clients feel more confident and informed about their case, which can ultimately lead to a more favorable outcome.

Lastly, the subscription model allows public adjusters to work with a broader range of clients, including those with smaller claims. This is because the upfront membership fee covers the cost of the adjuster’s services, regardless of the size of the claim. This is beneficial for both clients and adjusters, as it expands the potential client base and increases revenue opportunities.


In conclusion, a disruptive subscription model for public adjusting offers several benefits over traditional fee structures. It provides clients with a more accessible and affordable fee structure, incentivizes adjusters to work harder to negotiate a fair settlement, provides ongoing support throughout the claims process, and allows adjusters to work with a broader range of clients. As such, this model is an innovative and disruptive approach to public adjusting that can benefit both clients and adjusters.